Authorship is defined as :
The act, fact, or occupation of writing,
Source or origin, as of a book or idea,
The act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing.
Interaction is defined as:
A mutual or reciprocal action,
Interaction offers the audience choice.
For a class task we had to collect the data of how much electricity our household would use in 24 hours, for example how long the lights were on for, the television, hairdryer, and all other sorts of appliances, so that we could gather all the data together with other peoples data and put it into a chart of electricity usage over the course of 24 hours.
Using different coloured thread and ALOT of pins along with the data we collected from one another, my group and I designed our one around the 24 hour clock seeing as the data was based on how long at was on for, we also employed wattage in the chart to show more information of usage and of energy wasted that can easily save you money just but turning it off at the mains
Each of the different coloured strings represents a different appliance used, how long they were on for and how much power that use during that time.(shown not complete).
Then after we had completed our tasks we were asked to go around and look at the charts the other groups had made and try and figure out what it represents and how the data is shown,
After we had a guess we had to add our own data to the chart in the way WE think it is meant to been, then at the end of the class we were told what the groups chart is and if we had in fact done it correctly or if the way we done it, in fact made it better.
Michel Foucault was a Philosopher, theorist and historian of ideas. In his What is an Author he example the link between the author (writer) and the text, he argues that authorship doesn't need to attached to a certain person or source, also if the author was taken away from the work, would that subtract from the work. as well as why Does the authors name have such a powerful role.
He makes the argument to suggest that the historical social society should be considered before arguing in the importance of authorship and the role they play.
Roland Barthes was a literary theorist, critic, semiotician and a philosopher. his writing covered a vast range of fields and influenced the development of post structuralism, structuralism and semiotics.
One of his best writings was The Death of the Author, which argues against the traditional way of practice and so against Michel Foucault for example, and that the author and the texts are not related. He also explains that the reader interprets the writings differently depending on their political views, education and culture and so after that what does the role does the author play.
Interaction consists of the three main steps listen, think, speak. when talking to someone all three are needed to have good interactivity (conversation).

If the 2nd party of the Convo doesnt speak verywell but the other two are good listens , thinkers it still wont be good interactivity all three need to be at the same level and good standard.

interactivity depends on the choices available to the user, computers are interactive they listen think and speak
they listen via the mouse/keyboard
they think when the process the incoming data
and speaks when it displays the output on the screen.